Feasibility Studies

The feasibility studies assist Owners and Developers in exploring suitable options whether to proceed with a building project. We provide cost estimates based on alternative preliminary designs and concepts.


Cost Estimates

We provide cost estimates for developers, owners, builders who are keen on knowing estimates on proposed designs, redesigns, and the commencement of a construction project. Such estimates enable our clients valuable insight in the preparation of cash flow, validation of design from a cost budgeted perspective, and the evaluation of various design options during pre-tender stage.


Cost Estimates

We provide cost estimates for developers, owners, builders who are keen on knowing estimates on proposed designs, redesigns, and the commencement of a construction project. Such estimates enable our clients valuable insight in the preparation of cash flow, validation of design from a cost budgeted perspective, and the evaluation of various design options during pre-tender stage.


Preparation of Tender Documents

  •  Preparation of Bills / Schedule of Quantities
  •  Preparation of specification
  •  Preparation of binded tender documents for tendering

We provide tender document preparation, inclusive of the development of relevant bills that have bearing on the building costs during the pre-tender stage. We engage effectively with various Consultants via constant meetings and feedbacks. We are responsive to Owner’s requests and factor in their concerns in the specifications. We are familiar public and private sectors conditions of contracts, namely PSCOC, SIA, and PPP.


Tender Evaluation & Recommendation

  •  Invitation of tenderer
  •  Evaluation of tenders price
  •  Recommendation of tenderer selection


Tender Evaluation & Recommendation

  •  Invitation of tenderer
  •  Evaluation of tenders price
  •  Recommendation of tenderer selection


Preparation of Letter of Award
& Contractual Documents

Relevant documents and letters are issued to the appointed builder once careful evaluation is carried out. The letters and documents serve to outline the legal and financial issues to be agreed upon between two parties or more during the tender award stage prior to the commencement of construction works.


Tender Evaluation & Recommendation

  •  Invitation of tenderer
  •  Evaluation of tenders price
  •  Recommendation of tenderer selection


Contracts Administration

A building project during the construction stage needs good contract administration to manage design specification, contractual agreement, competitive tendering, evaluation, cost control, variations, final accounts, claims and even disputes. Poor management in any of these aspects would lead to unnecessary claims and disputes and eventually higher construction costs.